Thursday, May 5, 2011

Friends & Neighbors

9 years ago this coming July, we moved into our home on Rambo St. We are new neighbor at #3 was Winnie. Winnie just happened to be a lifelong friend of my moms. So I have known her my entire life as well. What luck to have Winnie as my neighbor. She made us feel part of the block right away.

After I had Joey she was a lifesaver. I could run to her house at any time & ask her to watch Joey. I would bring him to her or she would come sit here while he was sleeping. About a year or so later she started watching her grandson. Joey & Kyle became fast friends. We would sit outside while the boys played with chalk, bubbles or rode their bikes. I now had company as I stood on the corner with Joey to watch the never ending trains passing! When I doubted my parenting skills, she regaled me with stories of raising her boys & never made me feel like a horrible mom for feeling the way I did. She loved my boys like they were her own grandkids. and they loved her like a grandmom.

When she got sick I felt helpless. I did not know what to do or say. I was always offering my help. But ever the stubborn woman she refused. It was hard to watch her the last few years grow older & sicker.

Last week she was brought home from the hospital & put on hospice. Selfishly I was glad, because I just couldn't go to say goodbye to her at the hospital. I had so much to thank her for. She was more than my mom's friend. She was my saving grace & my friend. Calvin & I got to spend her last days with her & her family. What a truly wonderful gift that was. I got to say what I needed to, even though she was not conscience. she got to leave us on her own terms & damn if she didn't do it her way!

Yesterday I heard someone come out of her house & it hit me....I will never hear her call my name again, or yell hi to the boys.

Thank you Winnie! You will be missed by all the Rambo St Gang!