Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Insert picture of good ol' Charlie Brown know the one with him, his head back screaming AAuuGGGG! I need to scream at the top of my lungs!! LIKE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everything & everyone is making me want to just say....beat it.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Friends & Neighbors

9 years ago this coming July, we moved into our home on Rambo St. We are new neighbor at #3 was Winnie. Winnie just happened to be a lifelong friend of my moms. So I have known her my entire life as well. What luck to have Winnie as my neighbor. She made us feel part of the block right away.

After I had Joey she was a lifesaver. I could run to her house at any time & ask her to watch Joey. I would bring him to her or she would come sit here while he was sleeping. About a year or so later she started watching her grandson. Joey & Kyle became fast friends. We would sit outside while the boys played with chalk, bubbles or rode their bikes. I now had company as I stood on the corner with Joey to watch the never ending trains passing! When I doubted my parenting skills, she regaled me with stories of raising her boys & never made me feel like a horrible mom for feeling the way I did. She loved my boys like they were her own grandkids. and they loved her like a grandmom.

When she got sick I felt helpless. I did not know what to do or say. I was always offering my help. But ever the stubborn woman she refused. It was hard to watch her the last few years grow older & sicker.

Last week she was brought home from the hospital & put on hospice. Selfishly I was glad, because I just couldn't go to say goodbye to her at the hospital. I had so much to thank her for. She was more than my mom's friend. She was my saving grace & my friend. Calvin & I got to spend her last days with her & her family. What a truly wonderful gift that was. I got to say what I needed to, even though she was not conscience. she got to leave us on her own terms & damn if she didn't do it her way!

Yesterday I heard someone come out of her house & it hit me....I will never hear her call my name again, or yell hi to the boys.

Thank you Winnie! You will be missed by all the Rambo St Gang!

Monday, March 14, 2011

How I Met Your Father.....

13 years ago my husband lost his BFF, Joe McDevitt. I had known Joe most of my life. He was also my sister's neighbor. George & Joe became best buds in HS. I had seen George around, and to be honest I did not like him. Apparently Joe & my sister had the great idea to try & get us together. I remember my sister talking him up, but I was "seeing" someone else & just really not interested! Then a few months later at my nieces 16th bday party George & Joe were there. well let me tell you sparks flew and it wasn't love...we bickered! HAHAHAHAHA! Still had no interest.

Fast forward a few months.....The early morning of March 14th. get a call from my sister telling us that the McDevitt house was on fire & did I know where so & so was? (So & so was an old friend of mine who dated Joe's cousin.) My mom & I go up to Prospect Ave. Everyone is standing in the street. I looked up the street & saw George standing there just looking so heartbroken. I have no idea why but I just felt the need to go to him. He was sitting on the side of someones house. I went & just sat with him. He knew what the others were not positive of. Joe was in the house. (he & his brother & cousin were unaccounted for.) He had been out with Joe the night before. They had a good time, went their separate ways to their respective homes. Then they talked on the phone, Joe was making himself something to eat. An hour or so later George go the call.

It was so devastating. Joe was 23 & had a brilliant career ahead of him. There was just something about George that drew me to him. We worked in the same shopping center. Me at Peppers him at the beer distributor. After the funeral I would stop in to check on him.

Then as they say the rest is history......George & I went on our first date 3 weeks later, where I fell in love with him! we have been together since, Joe must have really wanted us together.

So I guess I really need to say THANK YOU to Joe for bringing Me & George together & for Joesph Patrick & Calvin Reid.

It is amazing since then how many deaths, births, marriages & divorces we have been trough together.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Potty Talk.....

I have been wanting to do a potty talk topic for awhile 7 have been lazy about writing.

When joey started on the potty 3 years ago, I would sit on the step stool while he sat on the potty. He would talk & talk, ask questions(does god poop is the one that stands out.) I would be so annoyed & just want to get out of the small bathroom.....cant stand small places. this went on for some time until he didn't need me anymore which was with in the last year or so. I would get so mad at myself for being impatient because I should have taken it for what it was for, a time to bond with my son.

So history is repeating itself in the form of Calvin. And this time I was on the potty & he started to ask about my......(fill in the blank!) Telling me it was like chocolate. Then he wanted to see it & told me he liked my poo. MY goodness, where does he come up with this stuff?

Anyway, I am back to sitting on the step stool as Calvin sits on the potty. Asking questions & telling me stuff. still feeling a little impatient, but trying to enjoy our "quality time" together!